FIRMAN At the Office på Manifesta 11 / 2016
Vårt sista performance på dadaismens huvudkontor Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
.  Konflikterna i företaget blir större och större, tills upplösningen är ett faktum. Som en universums synkronicitet kliver en organisationspsykolog in på kontoret och erbjuder oss handledning. Vi förstår att arbetet med FIRMAN är klart. 
Foto: Officiell hemsida Manifesta 11
Foto: eget arkiv

Programmet för medarbetaromsorg på Hotell Adyton 2016, Ringön, Göteborg
Foto: Henrik Sputnes

FIRMAN konsulterar hos Kultur i Väst / 2015
Två dagars performance med presentationer och konsultationer för konstkonsulenter Kultur i Väst Göteborg

Foto: Henrik Sputnes

Together with Susanna Antonsson, Linnea Jardemark, Hanna Månsson Nord and Maja Sikorska.

FIRMAN (the Firm) was a performance group based in Gothenburg between 2014-2016. FIRMANs slogan and business idea was ”we do anything for you, for free”. To FIRMAN anyone could send in an application to ask for any comission without any requiered payback. FIRMAN were interested in the dreams, needs and longings of people in a society where we are payed to work. FIRMAN also investigated the conditions of working in an office, with the suitable interior and dress code and at the same time work as an artist. FIRMAN worked the last year with a project about Employee Care ’Programmet för medarbetaromsorg’ which was presented at Hotell Adyton at Ringön. FIRMAN had a mobile office and therefore installed it where the invitation or aim to work was wanted.

FIRMAN installed their office at galleries, art festivals and biennials such as in libraries and kitchens.